Roosevelt High School

High School

Career-Connected Learning

Career-Connected Learning at Roosevelt

You have found the home for all things careers at Roosevelt, including important contacts for coaching and support, information on internships and jobs, career exploration and preparation resources, and the weekly Career Connections newsletter archive.

Coaching and Support

If you are looking for a coach to help you plan for your future after high school – including training programs and career pathways that meet your needs and interests, or if you need assistance finding a job or internship or completing financial aid and scholarship applications, you can reach out to our Career Connected Learning staff:

Edward Rho
Career Connected Learning Coordinator

Available 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. daily

Room 110/110A

Mr. Rho can assist with finding a job or internship; creating a resume and cover letter; interviewing practice; finding the right college or post-high school training program; completing your High School and Beyond Plan; and exploring and planning for your future career

Seattle Promise

  • 2 years of FREE TUITION at any of three Seattle Colleges
  • Support to succeed
  • No GPA, income, ability, or country of birth requirement
  • Regardless of GPA or family income
  • Deadline: February 16, 2024
  • Apply for Seattle Promise Now
  • Find out more at Seattle Promise Website

Newsletter – RHS Career Center

The Career Center newsletter comes out bi-weekly every other Thursday and includes information on upcoming college and career related events, college visits, career exploration/preparation programs, jobs and internships, volunteer opportunities, and other career-connected topics. Email Mr. Rho at if you would like to be added to the newsletter mailing list.

Collaborative Art piece : Seattle downtown (Space Needle, buildings, rainier beach, ferry flowing towards tsunami)

Text: RHS Career Center Newsletter 

Corner Logos: Roosevelt High School and Seattle Public Schools

What is Career Connected Learning?

Graphic of people in various occupations such as chef, police officer, construction worker, mailman, delivery service, firefighter, doctor, businessperson, farmer, etc.

Career-Connected Learning is a is combination of career exploration and preparation programming for students to discover and research careers, meet a variety of industry professionals, and build an initial career prep pathway and education plan. Business partners and students can become involved through service-learning projects, work experience, and internships.

Career connected learning can be (but is not limited to):

  • taking the Career Connect class
  • a businessperson visiting a classroom to talk about what they do
  • a job shadow where a young person learns more about an occupation or business.
  • an internship or a registered apprenticeship where youth are paid while they learn hands-on skills.

The Role of Career-Connected Learning Coordinator (CCLC)

Career-Connected Learning Coordinators provide students with information about jobs, internships, worksite learning, career pathways and post-secondary education opportunities. These certificated teachers can administer career assessments such as Naviance, plan on site presentations and workshops, manage schoolwide internship communication, recruit pathway speaker panels and implement career fairs.

The CCLCs offer a variety of services and training to help students correlate classroom learning with the world of work in order to make informed life planning decisions.  

  • Provide opportunities for students to attend approved internship programs leading to enhanced career opportunities with priority placement in high wage high demand careers.
  • Enhance employability and industry transferrable skills and increase student awareness of career opportunities and pathways.
  • Reduce barriers for students by providing access to CTE programs through flexibility in scheduling and program locations.
  • Support students in developing their High School and Beyond Plans.

Career Connect Class

graphic of a person holding a briefcase with symbols representing different career pathways

Career Connect 1 and 2 are two semester long courses designed to teach you the processes and strategies involved with successful career exploration and preparation. Whether you’re contemplating starting a career, trying to choose a career path, or are looking to make changes or improvements to your career goals, this course will provide you with the information you need on your way to achieving success.

  • Career Connect 1 covers the basics of self-assessment, career exploration, financial literacy, and portfolio development (resume, cover letter, online profile).
  • Career Connect 2 provides students with an internship experience (paid or unpaid) and the opportunity to demonstrate a deeper understanding of worksite learning including branding yourself on social media, interviewing skills, and how to prepare for the first day on the job.
  • For each course, students earn .5 credit toward their 2-credit Career & Technical Education (CTE) or elective graduation requirement.

If you are interested in taking Career Connect, please contact your school counselor to register for next semester’s classes.

Career Quest (CQ) Internship and Jobs Program

Shot of two women working together on a computer in an office with their colleagues in the background

Career Quest (CQ) is the SPS program where students get CTE credit for participating in a worksite learning experience. This could be a local part-time job, an internship, or a Career Quest summer course.

Learn more about Career Quest

If a student, age 16 or over, wants to earn high school graduation credit for working, they will need to secure paid employment or apply to one of the district’s approved internship programs. A parent or legal guardian will need to give written permission for a student to participate, and Mr. Ruiz will visit the site to help make sure all policies are followed and to supervise student progress.

180 documented work hours are required to earn .5 CTE credit per semester. If a student works 360 hours they can earn 1 full credit. Hours can only be counted toward credit after the student, parent, employer and CCLC have signed the necessary forms.

For more information please email or stop by Room 110/110A across the Counseling Office.

Internship and Work-based Learning Program Listings

The Seattle Public Schools Career-Connected Learning office manages a listing internships and other special work-based learning programs. For a complete listing of available opportunities, navigate to the Regional Internships page.

Seeking Business Partnerships

Roosevelt High School is seeking business and industry partners to engage with us in facilitating the following opportunities to students.

a businessman in blue shirt and slacks is pointing out a feature to a group of students on an industry tour
  • Participate as a Career Speaker. Visit a class or form part of a professional panel at a school career event to inform students about your field and training path.
  • Provide a Student Internship. An internship is a paid or unpaid work experience where students deepen their understanding of a particular field of work while applying skills learned in the classroom. This can also include real world projects where students can be engaged in developing and presenting solutions to on the job challenges.
  • Host a Job Shadow. Usually a one-time visit by a student to the workplace to learn about the environment and professional activities involved in particular career.
  • Host an Industry tour. Small student groups with chaperones are invited to tour the workplace to get a feel for the nature of the career field and the work environment.
  • Employ a High School Student. Provide summer or entry level employment to students with appropriate skills and training.

In addition to community partners, we welcome Roosevelt parents and guardians who have work-based opportunities to present/share with students. We also seek partners to assist with school-based Mock Interviews and CTE Program Advisory Committees. Please connect with Career Connected Learning Coordinator Edward Rho at if you would like to get involved.

Career and Post-High School Training Program Resources

A collection of resources to help you find the right post-high school training program and plan for your future career.

Jobs – If you are interested in finding a job, this directory of companies that hire teens is a good start to your search

Career Pathways – Road maps for for getting from where you are now to the career you want to have, including apprenticeships and professional/technical college programs

Seattle Skills Center – Seattle Public Schools’ own vocational education center where students from all SPS high schools can participate in career preparation, technical/trades, and pre-apprenticeships.

Resume Building – Every high school student should have one that tracks activities and that is updated every year, ready to be submitted when opportunities arise for volunteer work, jobs, or internships.

Naviance – The district’s tool for students to explore colleges and career paths, analyze skills and talents with career and personality assessments and help stay on track to reach academic goals.

Military – Interested in joining the military? Start here for guidance.

Service Learning – Volunteering somewhere gives you the chance to try on a career before you decide to pursue it. It also counts toward your Service Learning graduation requirement.