About Roosevelt High School

Roosevelt High School is a comprehensive high school with over 1650 students. The strength of our program lies within the students, staff and community who all strive to do excellent work and support the success of all of our students. Whether it is academics, arts, activities or athletics, there is something for everyone.
A highlight of Roosevelt High School’s academic program is the wide variety of Advanced Placement or College in the High School courses offered in each of our core academic areas including all of our 10th grade students taking AP Human Geography and all students taking AP Language in their 11th or 12th grade year.
Some of our arts programs have received national recognition and our student newspaper and yearbook put out excellent publications each year. The athletic programs participate in the King County 4A League and most programs include students from all grade levels.
As we focus on the achievement of all of our students, we look inward towards what we are doing in the classroom and outward to what types of support we can provide. Support for math, reading and writing are available 4 days a week through our homework center, University of Washington Pipeline Tutors and by teachers. We provide supplemental reading support for some students through a Read 180 program and our Academic Intervention Specialist provides case management for some of our most struggling students.
Our Mission and Vision
Roosevelt High School’s mission is to help all students build a strong educational foundation for success in life. We trust in each other, believe in ourselves and achieve individual and collective excellence. We create our future together. Each of us. Every day.
Mission Tag Line
Trust, Believe, Achieve. Creating our future together. Each of us, Every Day.
Our Vision
Excellent programs in academics, activities, and athletics prepare Roosevelt students with the skills to pursue post-high school education, to enter the world of work, and to be responsible citizens. Students actively learn to live in a diverse world and to treat others with dignity and courtesy.
Our Values
Rider PRIDE ( Passion, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Excellence)
Roosevelt High School Profile
- Roosevelt is a comprehensive urban high school with a student body somewhat reflective of Seattle’s diversity. Our enrollment is determined primarily by address, instead of city-wide enrollment. The school is approximately one mile north of the University of Washington’s main campus.
- We are accredited by the NASC and hold memberships in NACAC, PNACAC, and the Washington Council for High Schools – College Relations. Roosevelt enjoys a reputation for excellence in academics and the performing arts.
- The students in the drama and music programs travel extensively and have earned national recognition. The Jazz Ensemble has participated in the Lincoln Center’s Essentially Ellington Jazz Band Competition multiple times and have taken first place 4 times since 1999, most recently in Spring 2019.
- Our “Hands for a Bridge” program explores cultures in conflict through dialogue and the arts and travel to Northern Ireland and South Africa.
- Our Girls Soccer Team is the 23/24 state champions
- Our Girls Ultimate Team is the 23/24 state champions
- Our Boys Golf Team came 2nd in 23/24 state championship
- Our Unified Soccer Team is the 23/24 state champions
- Our Girls Lacrosse team are Metro Conference Champions
Graduation Requirements
24 Credits:
- 2.0 credit fine arts
- .5 credit health
- 4.0 credits LA (LA 9, LA 10, 11th and 12th grade students take AP Lang. & Comp or College in the High School one year, then 1.0 credit of LA Options the other year)
- 3.0 credits math through algebra 2
- 1.0 credits Career Connected
- 1.5 credits PE
- 3.0 credits science
- 2.0 credits world language
- 3.5 credits social studies
- 4.0 elective credits
Students must additionally have passed Washington State History. Students in the class of 2022 must meet state standards on the Smarter Balanced assessments in English Language Arts and Math. Students must also complete 60 hours of service learning.
AP Classes (AP on transcript)
Calculus (AB and BC), Statistics, Human Geography for all sophomores, Language and composition – (all students must take AP LA or CIHS LA in 11th or 12th grade), U. S. History, American Government, Comparative Government, French, Spanish, Spanish Lit, AP Computer Science, AP Psychology, AP Physics (C), AP Studio Art (Photography). Starting this year, AP Environmental Science was added.
Running Start (RS on transcript):
- Juniors and seniors who pass a community college placement test may take classes at local community colleges for concurrent high school and college credit.
Grades and Class Rank Policy
The current 11 point grading scale, which has been in effect since September 2010:
- A: 93-100%
- A-: 90-92%
- B+: 87-89%
- B: 83-86%
- B-: 80-82%
- C+: 77-79%
- C: 73-76%
- C-:70-72%
- D+: 67-69%
- D: 60-66%
- E: below 60%
The GPA is unweighted.
As of Fall 2018, we do not rank students.
Please note: Starting with the 2019-2020 school year, district policy only allows pass/no pass grading for credit earned from on-line or other independent providers while enrolled at RHS.