Roosevelt High School

High School
Student Life

Senior Activities

Senior Activities 2024-25

three hands holding graduation caps

Free or Reduced Lunch (FRL) Seniors: If you qualify for FRL, you are eligible to attend all senior events and receive your graduation cap, gown, sash, and tassel free of charge. Use this link: Free or Reduced Lunch 2025 Senior Events & Graduation Items Sign-Up  to sign up.

This includes:

  • Prom Tickets – May 17th
  • Your graduation cap, gown, stole, and tassel
  • Senior Spree – the all-night senior party on graduation night, June 12th (more details will be posted as we get closer to the date)
  • Senior Luncheon tickets – the lunch following graduation rehearsal, June 11th

By submitting the form, your name will automatically be added to the guest list for Prom, and Luncheon and you will be contacted by the Spree committee with more information on getting signed-up. Your graduation stole and tassel will be available for pick-up when the graduation items are delivered, and you will be fitted for a loaner cap and gown the week of graduation.

At a minimum, students will need a “Roosevelt HS. Cap and Gown unit” which includes a Cap, Gown, Tassel, and Class Stole. Here’s a video on how to order:  Roosevelt HS Presentation

Note: If you quality for Free and Reduced Lunch, sign up for a free stole and tassel and a loaner cap and gown.

Spree: Spree is the all-night senior party following graduation on June 12th. Spree tickets and information about the night.

Diploma Name

Please check your students name for the 2025 diploma and email Marjorie Gamble for any changes needed.

Purchase a Yearbook

Yearbook sales dates are established in accordance with state tax policies. Pre-Sold yearbooks will be distributed on Yearbook Distribution Day in June. Yearbook sales will resume following Yearbook Distribution Day and will continue until books are sold out.

The Yearbook and ASB Card are free for Free & Reduced Lunch (FRL) program participants. Please communicate with your counselor to let them know you want a yearbook Before January 31, 2025.

Check Your Senior’s Name for the 2025 Diploma. email Marjorie Gamble with any corrections

Senior Grad Ads

Purchase a Grad Ad on

  1. Visit YearbookForever and search for Roosevelt High School (Seattle, WA).
  2. Click on “Personal Ad – Get Started.”
  3. Enter the information for your student.
  4. Choose your Grad Ad size and cost.
  5. Design your Grad Ad by adding your text and photos.
  6. Checkout and pay (PayPal or credit card option) then certify, and submit.
Grad Ad Purchase Dates1/8 page ad1/4 page ad1/2 page adFull page
Between now and December 3$45$90$180$360
Between December 4 and January 14$50$100$200$400
Between January 15 and February 4$55$110$220$440

Contact Yearbook Adviser, Amy Noji, with questions on Grad Ads.

Families with a senior on Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL) may request a FREE Grad Ad. Please contact Amy Noji as soon as possible!

For any technical questions related to your submissions contact the Walworth School Store at 877-723-6344 or

Pay Fines on the Source

Parents of 12th graders: Please help us by having your student look at their Source account and on the left toolbar is the link to fines, or nudge them to take a look at their school email.


  • May 17th from 8 – 11 pm

Senior Finals

Senior Check-out

Graduation Rehearsal

June 11th from 10:00 am – 11:00 am

This is mandatory! Rehearsal is held in the main gym the day prior to graduation. It is important that your student attends this rehearsal. More information will be available closer to the date. 

Senior Luncheon

June 11th
Time: Immediately after the graduation rehearsal
Place: The Hub

Required Field Trip Forms: To attend the graduation luncheon , you must fill out a field trip form. Hard copy forms are available in the main office or download and print a copy at home with this link: TBD Once completed, drop the form off in the main office.

Getting there: Take light rail to Husky Stadium and walk 5 minutes to the HUB. If driving, guests should park in the paid parking at Padelford Parking Garage, walk up the escalator to the street (Stevens Way), turn left and walk a short distance to the HUB. Fieldtrip permission forms are required to attend. Find and return forms in the front office. Handicapped parking is available in Lot N22. Please stop at the gate to secure a Handicapped UW parking permit. 


Graduation is free and open for any guests of your Roosevelt High School graduate – no tickets needed.

Details for graduates: June 12th @ 5 pm

  • Graduates should be dropped off by the lower NE entrance to the stadium where they will enter.
  • Graduates should arrive in their cap, gown, and sash. There is no place to store personal belongings – anything the graduate needs during the ceremony will need to fit inside their pocket.

General Information

  • Rules and expectations: No Balloons, crazy string, noise makers or air horns. No purses/backpacks or bags.
  • Rowlands Studio Photography: Your picture will be taken as you receive your diploma and as you go down the ramp. All the photos, along with the class group picture we took earlier in the year, will be uploaded to view and order. Go to the Rowland Studio website and use the graduate’s student ID number to access them. It will take about a week to get them all edited, matched up, and uploaded.
  • Spree: Immediately following graduation. Go to the Spree page on the Roosevelt website for more information.
  • Donating Cap & Gown: We are always in need of cap and gown donations. If you would like to donate yours to the school – please bring it into the main office after graduation. Your donation is greatly appreciated.

Ceremony Steps for students

  • Arrive at Memorial Stadium by 4:15 Arrive in your cap and gown, with your sash and tassel, and wear sensible shoes. The student entrance is the NW tunnel and will be marked with signs saying, “Graduates Only”.
diagram explaining where to park and where graduates need to go at Memorial Stadium
Click to enlarge image
  • Name Cards: You will pick up your name card as you enter the stadium. Look for the alpha sign that corresponds with your last name. Staff will pass out your name cards. Do not lose it. There will be pens to write your name phonetically to help the reader.
  • Lining up by last name: After receiving your name card, go to the west end of the field where you will see alpha signs by last name. Begin forming a double line in your alpha section. When it is time to prepare for the procession, you will make two single-file lines.
  • The procession: As Pomp and Circumstance begins, you will begin processing from the field’s SW corner. Walking in two single-file lines, teachers and staff will be inserted every 12 pairs – they are your row leaders. Follow your row leader to your seats, one line going left and one line going right to fill in all the rows.
  • Getting into your row: Only a teacher will start a new row. Once you have made it to your row, make sure you are standing directly in front of a chair. Because you are in a big flowing gown it can look like there isn’t enough room. Make sure you pay attention and stand in front of your chair. A student should NEVER start a new row. All students and staff will remain standing until you are welcomed by the senior class officers, and you are asked to be seated.
  • Late arriving students or staff will find seats at the back of the seating as soon as possible (please be on time). Do not insert yourself into the procession once it is moving.
Diagram map explaining where Late arriving students or staff can find seats
Click to enlarge image
procession diagram explaining how students will file in
Click to enlarge image


  • When it is time for diplomas to be presented, the first row will rise together and walk toward the outside of the row and up the ramps on each side of the stage.
  • Each row will proceed in order – look to your staff line leader for a cue to stand and proceed to the stage.
  • Present the reader your name card and whisper the correct pronunciation of your name to the reader if needed.
  • Then, walk toward the center of the stage to receive your diploma from one of our administrators. You will shake their hand, smile for the picture, receive your diploma, and walk off the stage and back to your seat.
  • Remain standing until all members of your row have returned and you will sit together. The next row will rise together when the line is almost gone. Please look to the teacher for a cue so that you rise and sit together.
  • Once all graduates have finished, the principal will lead the graduates in the moving of the tassel ceremony and final words before dismissal.
diagram showing where staff and students will sit
Click to enlarge image

End of Ceremony

You will exit the field through a tunnel of staff members and walk around toward the Fountain and Armory Building. We advise you to plan a meeting place with your family in advance.

Diagram showing where students should exit at end of ceremony
Click to enlarge image

Details for guests:

  • Guests will enter the stadium at either the upper SE or NE stadium entrance. There is wheelchair accessibility on both sides of the stadium.​
  • Guest entry will begin approximately 45 minutes before the start of the graduation ceremony at 4:15 pm.​


  • Memorial Stadium parking lot has limited parking, only use this lot if you have a handicap guest.​
    • Guests in wheelchairs can be dropped off in the memorial stadium parking lot.​
  • Gates Foundation parking lot directly east of stadium​.
  • Mercer Street Garage one block north of stadium.​
  • Various other pay lots or street parking is located around the stadium​.
    • All parking is fee based, with different rates based on the type and location of the parking space.

Following Graduation

  • Students exit out the NW gate and follow the roadway up to the International Fountain area, where they will reconnect with family, or continue back to the Memorial Stadium parking area to reconnect. ​
  • Make a plan with your graduate so you know where to meet them in advance.

Graduation Photos

Your graduate’s picture will be taken as they receive their diploma and as they go down the ramp at graduation. All the photos, along with the class group will be uploaded to view and order. Go to Rowland Studio and use the graduate’s student ID number to access them. It will take about a week to get them all edited, matched up, and uploaded. 

You must Sign up for your senior portrait

Sign up for your senior portrait

If you are unable to get your portrait taken on scheduled dates OR just prefer to schedule an individual portrait session at Rowland Studio, be sure to contact Rowland Studio and get your picture taken before Winter Break!

Questions about any of the information? Contact Kristi Barnes: All other Senior inquiries should go to your student’s counselors.