Roosevelt High School

High School
Counseling Center

Scholarship Information

Updated 5/25/24

Scholarships for Roosevelt Students Only

The Sandra Lynn Cohen Family – offers the Sandra Lynn Cohen Academic Scholarship Memorial Fund.

The purpose of the SLCASMF is to provide a scholarship to a graduating student at Roosevelt High School. The scholarship is a one-time $2,000 award and may only be used for tuition and fees at the college of your choice.

Awards are based on academic excellence, outdoor leadership, charitable activity, and financial need. Students may apply if they intend to at least earn their BA or BS degree, plan to immediately enroll in a 4-year college offering BA and/or BS degrees and enroll at a college within the United States of America.

Sandra Lynn Cohen Academic Scholarship Application online or email Ms. Richard at

Coach Don Harney Memorial Scholarship – Offers two $2500 scholarships to be awarded to senior athletes at Roosevelt in memory of a revered coach from Roosevelt’s history.

Criteria for selection will include financial need as well as athletic achievements, students having maintained academic performance as a scholar-athlete, and any leadership roles students were able to take on as an athlete.

Application is posted on the School Counseling Schoology pages, in the Scholarships folder.

General Scholarships

Adam T. Hallberg Mental Illness Study Scholarship

  • Amount: $1,000 (2 winners, $500 each)
  • Application deadline: Dec 9, 2023
  • Eligibility: Any undergraduate or graduate student in Iowa or Illinois who is pursuing an education and career in mental health services and has internship or volunteering experience in the mental health field may apply for this scholarship.
  • Apply for the Adam T. Hallberg Mental Illness Study Scholarship

Samantha S. Roberts Memorial Scholarship

  • Amount: $1,000
  • Application deadline: Dec 31, 2023
  • Eligibility: Any high school or undergraduate student from WI, IL, IA, MI, MN, KS, NE, or OH who is pursuing art may apply for this scholarship, but applicants pursuing studio art are preferred.
  • Apply for the Samantha S. Roberts Memorial Scholarship

CapCut Meme Master Scholarship

Joanne Pransky Celebration of Women in Robotics

Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship

  • Amount: $10,000
  • Eligibility: Any student who is fighting through their own loss of a close family member, legal guardian or loved one, and is in need of financial support for their education as they move forward.
  • Application Deadline: Jul 20, 2024
  • Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship

Hearthstone Housing Foundation Scholarship
Amount: $500-$5,000
Grades: 12th
Application for the 2023-24 school year opens December 1, 2023. Must have a 3.0 GPA, come from a low-income household, demonstrate financial need, and reside in a county (including King County) where a Hearthstone property is located.

OppU Achievers Scholarship
Amount: $2,500
Grades: 12th
Must have a 3.0 GPA
Annually, the OppU Achievers Scholarship awards a total of $10,000 to students who have demonstrated outstanding achievement.

Robert J. Handy/WSSR Foundation/Gene Forrester Memorial Scholarships
Amount: $900 – $3000
Grades: 12th
Must have a 3.0 GPA
These awards are given to students who plan to pursue a career in education.

Cascade Warbirds Aviation Scholarship
Amount: $1,350
Must be a US citizen, include 500-word personal statement addressing your career aspirations, educational plans, and why you want to receive this scholarship.
Note that our partnerships make this scholarship practical only to central Puget Sound area students.

Lotus Scholarship – Sheng-Yen Lu Foundation
Amount: $9,000 across four years
Grades: 12th
Applicants must have immigrated to the U.S. within the past four years, plan to attend a community college, university, or technical school, and be available for a virtual interview.

LA Tutors
Amount: $500
Grades: 9th – 12th
LA Tutors awards students who showcase their creativity and make positive impacts with a $500 Innovation in Education scholarship. On an ongoing monthly basis, this scholarship is open to all currently enrolled high school and college students who showcase their creativity while helping those around them (whether that be in a creative fundraiser, inventive new app, series of blog posts on a particular theme, or another idea). The application deadline is 11:59 pm PST on the 20th of each month.

National CCAA Scholarship
Amount: $1000
Grades: 12th
Brief application for students to be drawn randomly to receive one of 16 scholarships to one of the member institutions for the National Catholic Colleges Admissions

Global Lift Equipment Scholarship
Amount: $500
Grades: 12th
Deadline: April, 2024
2.5 GPA, submit a short story and plan on attending a post-secondary institution in Canada or the US in the fall of 2024.

Amount $500-$40,000
Grades: 10th – 11th
Earn entries in monthly drawings for $500 and $40,000 scholarships by completing steps to plan for life after high school. Every month, BigFuture will award hundreds of $500 scholarships and two $40,000 scholarships until February of your senior year. The scholarships awarded by BigFuture can be used at two and four year institutions. 

UW Nikkei Alumni Association
Amount: $3200-4000
Grades: 12th
Offered to students of Japanese ancestry who are planning to attend the University of Washington.
Submit application by April 15

MyImpact Challenge
Amount: up to $10,000
Ages: 13-19
MyImpact Challenge is a civic engagement contest hosted by the Bill of Rights Institute. Our goal is simple: foster a robust understanding of citizenship and get students active in their communities now!

WiseGeek Women in STEM Scholarship
Amount: $500
Grades: 12th
For female students planning to pursue a degree in science, technology, engineering, or math. Must be U.S. Citizen or permanent legal resident.

Student-View Scholarship
Amount: $500-$5,000
Grades: 12th
Offers scholarships to high school seniors who plan to attend a four-year college, community/junior college, or career school. No minimum SAT/ACT or GPA. Simply complete a 15–25-minute survey about local colleges. The scholarships are awarded by a drawing of all completed applications.

PSE&SSF College Scholarship
Amount: $1,000-$2,000
Grades: 12th
Must be a US citizen accepted into a full-time program towards a Bachelor of Science (BS) Degree in engineering, science, technology, or a related field at an accredited college or university.

Pointe Pest Control Pay It Forward Scholarship
Amount: $750
Grades: 12th
Do something good for someone else and include a note telling them to pass it on. We want to hear about the good deed(s) you’ve done for your community!

PNACAC Student Scholarship
Amount: $1,000
Grades: 12th
Must have a 3.0 GPA or higher. Record a one- minute video responding to one of the following prompts: “What would you like to be doing in 10 years and how does college help you get there?” OR – “How has your college/career counselor, school counselor, or advisor helped you (and/or others) in finding the right college fit and what would you like to say to them?

American College Foundation, Visionary Scholarship Program
Amount: Range from $1000-$5000
Grades: 9th-12th
Submit a 500-word essay on “Why College is Important to me”. Citizenship required. All income levels may apply.

B. Davis Scholarship
Amount: $1,000
Grades: 11th-12th
Write an essay on the three characteristics of leadership that you value most.

HonorsGradU Scholarship: Design a Better Future
Amount: $10,000 awards
Grades: 12th
Submit a design thinking project to solve a problem in your community. Steps and guidelines can be found on a website.

AED Superstore $1000 College Scholarship
Amount: $1,000
Grades: 12th
Video or short essay responding to facts about Sudden Cardiac Arrest (see application details). Must be legal resident of the U. S.

PB&J Scholarship
Amount: $1000
Grades: 12th
This scholarship fund is focused on helping students whose test scores or GPAs might not be the best or the highest, but they have the drive to succeed. Fund was started by a college student who decided to eat PB&J sandwiches for a year to save money to fund a scholarship for a student like him. They are looking for students who have experienced challenges in their lives and are driven to succeed.

American Indian College Fund Full Circle Scholarship
Amount: varies
Grades: 12th
For any Native American US citizen that is a member of a state or federally recognized tribe with at least a 2.0 GPA and enrolled as a full-time student. Include a digital photo, transcript, and tribal affiliation.

Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
Amount: $500
Grades: 9-12th
Any GPA considered. Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident. Must have personally experienced challenges with mental health or have had people close to them who have experienced mental health challenges.

Abbot and Fenner Scholarship
Amount: $1,000
Grades: 11th-12th
500–1000-word essay describing your educational, career, and life goals.

BigSun Athletic Scholarship
Amount: $500
Grades: 12th
All student athletes are eligible regardless of the sport they play. Essay submission required.

BigSun Athletic Scholarship
Amount: $2,000
Grades: 12th
3.0 GPA, write 800-word essay about your opinion on the importance and efficacy of the 7th amendment and how it affects your life.

DAR National Society Scholarships
*Amount: Varies
Grades: 12th
Multiple scholarships with varying criteria. All applicants must be US citizens and plan to attend an accredited US college or university

On-going Varsity Tutors College Scholarship
Amount: $200
Grades: 10th-12th
Monthly and on-going chance to win a $200 scholarship. Students must be 16 years or older and write an essay from the monthly prompt. Winners chosen every month.

On-going Final Fantasy Fan Scholarship
Amount: $1000
Grades: 12th
Submit a brief essay explaining your relationship with Final Fantasy games and how it has made you a better student. In five paragraphs or less, you should share what will help them understand your appreciation for Final Fantasy.

Amount: $1000-$2500
Grades: 9th-12th
Multiple Scholarships. Fast, easy, & free. Must be Us citizen or permanent resident.

Varies International Scholarships
Amount: Varies
Grades: 12th
Resources for students wishing to study abroad.

Varies Seattle Foundation
Amount: Varies
Grades: 12th
Numerous scholarships posted with varying eligibility criteria

Washington State School Retirees Association
Amount: Varies
Grades: 12th
Numerous scholarships posted with varying eligibility criteria.

Financial Aid and SPS Scholarship Bulletin

Besides applying for FAFSA or WASFA, you can use other tools to learn more about paying for college:

Free college planning tools, videos, and valuable information to help students and families plan for college.

FAFSA: If you have not yet submitted the FAFSA and are hoping for financial aid for college next year, submit it as soon as possible! Information on federal student aid programs and applying for financial aid. The FAFSA application needed to have been submitted by April 30, 2023 for the Seattle Promise.

Scholarships for SPS Students

A group of eight students hold large checks while confetti falls on them

Scholarships are a type of grant (monetary gift you do not have to pay back) for students to use in paying for after high school training and college programs. Scholarships are available for students as early as elementary school and continue through graduate school.

Federal and State programs provide over 46 billion dollars in student aid. Private companies, community organizations, civic groups, foundations, and religious organizations provide an additional 3 billion dollars in scholarships.

Finding Scholarships

A scholarship database can be found in Naviance (all SPS 6th-12th grade students have 24/7 access to Naviance) as well as some of the following resources. You should never pay for access to scholarships you find online.

Share a Scholarship

Are you aware of and/or sponsoring scholarships that are not in our Naviance list? Fill out the form below to add your scholarship to Naviance for all SPS students to access.