Welcome back to school – Information, you’ll need to know.

Welcome back to school
Last re-take and makeup portrait day
Last re-take and make up portrait day is on November 7!
This is for all grades. Seniors, remember to wear a nice black top with no graphics. This is a formal picture. Sign up for your senior portrait, on Instagram, or on the Yearbook page of the RHS website to take your senior portrait before you come to school on November 7! Remember, if you are on Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL), you do not have to pay for your senior portrait.
- Senior Siblings!
Yearbook is looking for seniors with siblings who attend Roosevelt. If you are a senior who would like to be photographed with your sibling and included in our yearbook, or go to the RHS Yearbook Instagram to let us know. We’ll find you to take your picture by Friday, November 8.
- Grad Ads!
A Grad Ad is an opportunity for senior families to choose photos and write a personal message for their graduating senior to be printed in the Roosevelt High School Yearbook. Order a beautiful Grad Ad to congratulate your student’s accomplishments. Here’s how to do that:
Purchase a Grad Ad on YearbookForever.com
- Visit YearbookForever and search for Roosevelt High School (Seattle, WA).
- Click on “Personal Ad – Get Started.”
- Enter the information for your student.
- Choose your Grad Ad size and cost.
- Design your Grad Ad by adding your text and photos.
- Checkout and pay (PayPal or credit card option) then certify, and submit.
Grad Ad Purchase Dates | 1/8 page ad | 1/4 page ad | 1/2 page ad | Full page |
Between now and December 3 | $45 | $90 | $180 | $360 |
Between December 4 and January 14 | $50 | $100 | $200 | $400 |
Between January 15 and February 4 | $55 | $110 | $220 | $440 |
Contact Yearbook Adviser, Amy Noji, with questions on Grad Ads.
Families with a senior on Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL) may request a FREE Grad Ad. Please contact Amy Noji as soon as possible!
For any technical questions related to your submissions contact the Walworth School Store at 877-723-6344 or help@walsworth.com
Yearbook & ASB Card Sale Dates for the 2024-2025 RHS School Year:
- Activity Cards are a requirement for all students participating in athletics, newspaper, yearbook, student government, performing arts, and clubs supported by Roosevelt ASB.
Activity card fee is $75 until 1/15/2025
After 1/15/2025 the activity fee will increase to $100
Free for free & reduced lunch students – please bring Student ID to Fiscal Secretary for ASB sticker.
Get your ASB Activity Card - November 25 to December 15, 2024 – Fall Yearbook Sale ($70)
- February 17 to March 9, 2025 – Presidents’ Day Yearbook Sale ($75)
The Yearbook and ASB Card are Free for Free & Reduced Lunch (FRL) program participants. Please communicate with your counselor to let them know you want a yearbook BEFORE January 31, 2025.
*Roosevelt High School reserves the right to increase the ASB/Activity card price to $100 during the 2024-2025 school year – Date of increase TBD
Community Handbook 24-25
This community handbook is intended to be used as a guide for our community at Roosevelt. The
enrollment of students at Roosevelt indicates an agreement to the guidelines, policy and procedure set forth in this document. Roosevelt also adheres to the Basic Rules published by Seattle Public Schools. This document does not supersede any of the policy or procedure set forth by the district.
Administration may alter or revise this document at any time
The Roosevelt Assistant Principal Team for the 24-25 school year includes:
Ms. Tami Brewer – Principal
Mr. Ivory Brooks – Assistant Principal for last names beginning with A-Gi idebrooks@seattleschools.org – Office 141
Ms. Rachel Langness – Assistant Principal for last names beginning with Gla-Nob rllangness@seattleschools.org – Office 211
Ms. Maggie Mattmiller – Assistant Principal for last names beginning with Nor-Z mmattmiller@seattleschools.org – Office 101 B
In the Main Office: For general Roosevelt questions, Marjorie Gamble can be reached by phone 206-252-4810 or e-mail mgamble@seattleschools.org
Sarah Thomas is your best contact for Athletics and Final Forms and can be reached by e-mail sathomas@seattleschools.org. Her direct phone contact is 206-252-4834. For questions regarding Activities and Athletics connect with Mr. Danny Thompson our Activities Coordinator/Athletic Director djthompson1@seattleschools.org. The entire Main Office Team are all here to support you as you prepare for your students next year of High School.
Message from the School Nurse: I am including the medication authorization forms that will be needed by the start of the school year, September 4th for all students who will have medication here at school. Please know that this is a SPS requirement. If this form (for an emergency medication) is not on file with the nurse the first week of school, your student is at risk from being removed from school. If your student is participating in any field trip and they have a life-threatening allergy/condition needing emergency medication —they Will Not be able to participate in the field trip without this form on file. Thank you in advance for your time and attention- School Nurse Enid Moore 206-252-4817
- Medication Authorization for: severe allergy, asthma, seizures, or general medications (to be given while at school or on a field trip) must be signed by both the parent and by the student’s health care provider. It must have the name of the drug given, milligram dose, how often to give (i.e.: daily or “as needed” for “headache or, menstrual cramps or, peanut allergy”) It must be signed and dated by the health care provider. It is valid for the school year (September-June)
- Diabetic Student/Student with seizures: I will need the care plan that is specific for your student by the first week of school. If your child is seen at Seattle Childrens, they have a specific care plan that they send to the school. The fax: 206-252-4811. Please make it attention: school nurse.
- Authorization for Medications at School Forms