
The mission of the Roosevelt Jazz Boosters is to provide financial, logistical and creative support to ensure that musically qualified students have access to the best possible learning environments and jazz activities regardless of their financial circumstances.
Roosevelt Jazz!
The information included here is intended to give you an overview of our program. For more details, news, and up-to-date calendar of events, please see the Roosevelt Jazz Boosters website.
Roosevelt Jazz is fortunate to have four accomplished musician educators teaching our students. Directing Jazz Band I and leading our instrumental program is Hannah Mowry. Michael Van Bebber directs Jazz Bands II and III/IV, and Aimee Mell directs Vocal Jazz. Throughout the year, all students have opportunities to learn from jazz clinicians and perform in different settings, including competitive festivals, jazz clubs, community events, and jam sessions.
Participation in Roosevelt Jazz is determined by audition in June of the preceding school year. There are currently five ensembles in the program.
Vocal Jazz (VJ)
Vocal Jazz, directed by Aimee Mell, is a for-credit class that meets “0 period” every school day. Vocalists are required to enroll in a concert ensemble class (choir, band, or orchestra) in addition to the Vocal Jazz class. For most students, this will mean enrolling in Concert Choir to develop vocal technique and music literacy. Students in Vocal Jazz will focus on style, jazz repertoire, improvisation skills, and singing tight harmonies. This ensemble also has a rhythm section.
Jazz Band I (JBI)
Jazz Band I is directed by Hannah Mowry and is a for-credit class that meets every school day, usually 5th period. This band participates in many different jazz events and festivals throughout the year, including the Earshot Jazz Festival, the Jazz Nutcracker, and Starbucks Hot Java Cool Jazz. Each year, JBI auditions for the Essentially Ellington competition, the nation’s premier high school jazz festival and competition. Students should expect a significant time commitment; in addition to daily class time at school, there are regular sectionals, additional rehearsals and gigs, clinics, and recording sessions on weekends and before or after school. Students are expected to maintain a disciplined music practice, with jazz as one of their highest priorities.
Jazz Band II (JBII), Jazz Band III (JBIII), and Jazz Band IV (JBIV)
Jazz Band II, Jazz Band III, and Jazz Band IV meet after the regular school day and are taught by Michael Van Bebber and Deb Schaaf (JBIV), under the guidance of Hannah Mowry. These bands are extracurricular activities, not for-credit classes. JBIII usually meets after school. JBII meets after school twice per week in September and October, and then three times per week for the rest of the year. (There are occasional rehearsal time changes, announced in advance, to accommodate directors’ schedules.) Although these bands are not for-credit classes, regular attendance at rehearsals is mandatory. Students who have any conflicts with rehearsals should work out an attendance plan ahead of time with their directors. Students in these ensembles are required to enroll in a musical ensemble class.
All Roosevelt Jazz students should commit to practicing and performing music at the highest level. Summer jazz camps and workshops are highly recommended, along with ongoing private instruction. Students sometimes miss school to attend jazz festivals and other performances. These absences are excused, and students will need to make up missed assignments and tests to keep schoolwork in good standing. Some jazz program events overlap with school holidays, including the yearly retreat in November and in some years, the Oceanside, Monterey, and Reno Jazz Festivals. Families are asked to plan accordingly.
Students are representatives of the school and the jazz program and so must possess exemplary behavior, abiding by all Seattle Public School and Roosevelt Jazz policies.
Family Support
Parents/Guardians are asked to support their students’ activities through positive reinforcement, volunteering, and fundraising. Roosevelt Jazz events are almost entirely funded and organized by the Roosevelt Jazz Boosters, a volunteer non-profit organization. Monetary contributions and volunteer efforts throughout the year are critical to the program’s operation and success. Volunteers are needed for Board positions, planning and chaperoning trips, bake sales, fundraisers, and more. Our biggest fundraiser is the Gala in March, benefitting all students in the jazz program. Parents are asked to procure donations, invite friends and family to attend, and help with planning and running the event. Monthly booster meetings are the best place to learn more about the program, hear from the directors, and keep abreast of events. Please join us!
Annual Dues and other Expenses
Seattle Public Schools does not fund most of the jazz program, and dues only cover a fraction of program operating expenses, so fundraising throughout the year is also necessary. No other dues will be collected unless fundraising efforts fall short of the additional amount ($70,000+) necessary to fully support program offerings, which are many:
- Need-based scholarships for students
- Compensation for Jazz Bands II, III/IV directors, who are not funded by Seattle Public Schools
- Clinicians and workshops for all ensembles
- All costs for the annual program retreat (travel, accommodations, food, clinicians)
- Fees, travel, and accommodation costs to attend festivals
- RHS instrument maintenance; music and equipment purchases
- Other operating costs to support performances and cover business expenses
Students pay for their own performance attire, travel incidentals (e.g. meals), private lessons, summer camps and instrument-related expenses.
Families that need financial assistance for any expenses are encouraged to request scholarship support from the Roosevelt Jazz Boosters. This can be done on the dues form and/or via a confidential meeting with the Booster Treasurer. Scholarship requests may be made to help pay for summer jazz workshops and camps.
Performance Attire
Students are responsible for purchasing their own performance attire.
VJ, JBII, JBIII, and JBIV students wear all black dress clothing: black dresses, or black collared dress shirts/blouses with black slacks or skirts. Shoes, socks/stockings, and belts should also be all black.
JBI students wear black tuxedos (black tuxedo pants; black jacket with notch or peak lapels; white pleated shirt with wing collar; black cummerbund; black bow tie) OR formal black or black and white outfits (dresses, or dress slacks/skirts with dress shirts). Shoes, socks/stockings, and belts should also be all black. Black cufflinks and studs are optional.
Note that tuxedos can take several weeks to acquire; there’s often some tailoring involved. Don’t hesitate to ask your director or other parents for more information!
Additional Questions?
Please contact the jazz boosters chairperson at chair@rooseveltjazz.org, or contact your director:
- Aimee Mell ajmell@seattleschools.org
- Hannah Mowry hsmowry@seattleschools.org
- Michael Van Bebber mvanbebber@gmail.com
- Deb Schaaf deschaaf@seattleschools.org