Roosevelt High School

High School
Service Learning

Service Learning Guidelines

Students can meet the 60-hour service learning requirement for graduation in many different ways. We encourage students to find opportunities to invest time in one of their passions, or explore possible career pathways through their volunteer experiences. Students can complete all of their hours through one organization, or accumulate hours from several organizations.

In order for hours to count toward the requirement, they must meet general guidelines. If students have any questions about whether or not an activity will count toward the requirement, they should check with their counselor in advance.

Service learning hours should:

  • Be completed through a non-profit organization. (There are some exceptions to this, so check with the counseling department).
  • Be signed off by someone from the organization where the hours are earned. This cannot be a family member or other relative
  • Not be hours worked at a student’s regular job, even if done so without any pay

Examples of hours that do NOT count:

  • Helping a neighbor with yard work
  • Posting flyers for a for-profit company

Examples of hours that do count:

  • Volunteering as a coach for a younger sports team
  • Tutoring students outside of school hours through a teacher or community program
  • Trail maintenance with WTA, SCA or another local agency
  • Service opportunities sponsored by faith-based organizations

Students who enter Seattle Public Schools after the start of their ninth grade year will have the required hours prorated. If a student wants to submit hours earned during their time in another school district, the 60-hour requirement will remain. Otherwise, hours are pro-rated on a 15 hour/year basis. If a student enters at the start of the sophomore year, for example, that student will have the requirement prorated to 45 hours of service learning.

To submit completed hours, use the  Service Learning Agreement Form